Eredeti magyar szöveg
Egyszer | volt, | hol | nem | volt, | volt | egyszer | egy | király. |
egy+szer = once (one times) | lenni = was | ? | no(t) | was | was | once | a | king |
A mondatok szavakká történő elemzésére tett kísérletem
Ennek | a királynak | volt | három | fia. |
This | (of) the king | had | three | fiú = boy(s) \ son(s) |
Hát | ezek | a fiúk | már | mind | házasodni | valók | voltak. |
Well \ So | these | the boys \ sons | already | all (of them) | to get married | ready \ fit | were |
Azt | mondta | az | apjuk, | hogy | házasodjanak | meg. |
That | he "mondani" = said | the | their "apa" = father | that | to get married (imp?) | required for imperative? |
Fellökött | a levegőbe | három | pálcát, | minden | fiúnak | a részére | egyet, | és | azt | mondta, |
feldobni = (he) tossed up (obsolete) | into the air | three | sticks | every | of boys | for | one | and | that | he said |
kinek | amerre | esik | a pálcája, | arra | kell | menni | nősülni. |
ki = whose | in which direction | esni = falls | (his) stick | in that direction | must | to go | to get married |
Szólj, ha egy ilyen formátum nem rosszabb, mint a sima szöveg :)
Szerintem ez egy jó formátum arra, amire szántad. :)
Also in my example sentences I rather try to translate meaningwise, not always literally.
Can I have a question: Why have you started learning Hungarian?
There was (and maybe still is) a chance I might move there for work, but now the chances are much lower.
And yes, the meaning of the story in general is clear (and I have it in all three languages - Hu|En|Ru + youtube in Hu), but it's obvious, that all the translations are adapted (even whole phrases, like the first one, are totally different from exact translation). But I want to see how these sentences were built.
Yeah, it's interesting how something is built in the original language, because it shows the logic of a different way of thinking. :) But if a language contains concepts that cannot be found in any other language, then it's difficult to understand how it works, at least that's my experience. It's not impossible, but takes lot of effort and time. :)
It's cool that you were planning to come to Hungary, if it's something you'd really like to do I hope it works out. :)