Monday As Usual

Monday As Usual



I got up early this morning because I have got a meeting with my auntie at her house. She is disabled and can’t walk properly and uses a wheelchair. She is my best friend nowadays. We go shopping together and most of the time have a lovely cup of coffee together. She loves being outdoors like to drink cappuccino with 2 or 3 sugars and smokes and loves ice lolly and likes to watch cricket on the telly and she is a fan of Chelsea. When I met with her I have a chance to talk with her and learn some new verbs and phrases and even rude words I’d never hearth about it. I love to talk with her when she is so happy because I am also very happy too. She is so kind and most of the time she said it's no fun being an older person please don't try it . When I've just come to her house in the morning I saw many flowers in her garden. I am not quite sure what it is and what they call it. But it looks so nice and when you touch it you can smell oranges and then we started to talk about her, she had to go A&E a few days ago because she had some problems with her legs and had to stay 2 nights in hospital. But don't worry she is okay now and seems to be good. That's it for today. See you then ...