There are more pros than cons of living in a consumer society

There are more pros than cons of living in a consumer society


daily life

Many people claim that consumer society has bought itself numerous advantages such as decreased unemployment rate, improved standard of living and cheaper more accessible articles. Whereas others believe that the advantages cannot compensate for the disadvantages of this phenomenon.

What is meant by that? In order to produce items at low prices, the efficiency of large factories has to be doubled. Unfortunately, employees are forced to work under unbearable circumstances. They are supposed to work long shifts in crowded places, let alone their pay is below minimum wage. This exploitation affects firstly workers coming from third world countries.

Another counterpoint is that driving costs reduces the quality of products. If one bought an electronic device 20 years before, one could expect that this object would function for years. It can be claimed that these days this is not the case. While people had two vacuumers during their lifespan, these days consumers are forced to buy new gadgets regularly. So to say, products became unreliable.

When it comes to mass production, it can be observed that used products end up on landfills which emit lots of toxic gases. As a result by every buy people contribute to pollution of the planet's biosphere.

As mankind is prompted to buy new stuff all the time, there is a high likelihood that they do not learn to value their real value. This consumerist approach might reflect on interpersonal relationships, which people are not willing to fight for anymore. A sad tendency can be observed: the amount of divorces has doubled in the last 20 years. Seemengly, it is always easier to find a new one than get fixed the old used item.

All in all, I would be pleased if people could live a slower-paced life, where they had time to sort out their problems and they would not be urged to find a new solution or object as quickly as possible.