Imperfect plan

Imperfect plan


daily life
time management

How do you plan your day? Do you use any methods or tools to do everything you need to do? Or perhaps you don't think about it and rather play it by ear? I've always thought that I'm a quite organized person and I know exactly what to do and when to do it, but it seems that I've been deceiving myself. Everything's good when the plan is there and things go according to it, but whenever even a minor thing pops out it destroys the whole schedule. Why does it happen? Why a trifle plays such havoc? As I think back on some situations in my life which follow this scenario I can see some common ground. It all starts with the negative emotions that I bottle up just because something comes up and those emotions spill over and affect the entire day. What causes these feelings to come into play? I think they stem from me shying away from making decisions, especially sudden ones. When something unplanned happens, I am in a situation where I need to make a quick choice and that seems to be an issue. I'm extremely bad at making decisions, especially those in the heat of the moment. I'd rather delegate this part to someone else and act accordingly than make it on my own. Even though in most cases the decision isn't any kind of game changer and apart from the moment I need to decide everything goes well I'm still upset and can't wash it away. It appears that my subconscious treats it as a personal failure because I failed to anticipate that particular contingency. But, it's impossible to predict everything and therefore there's no point in being disappointed and frustrated by it, or even worse taking it out on others. I've just realized that I need to be less strict with myself and behave more freely in those moments. Basically, I need to find a way to break that bad pattern as the only thing it does is that it makes me feel down for the rest of a day. I don't want to be dependent on it and I'd rather take action and forget about it. Life goes on, there's no time to dwell on the past decisions that you can't change anymore, so I better focus on things that really matter.