We can not be happy all  the time

We can not be happy all the time


daily life

Hello Everyone

First at all, I would like to thank all those who have corrected my previous posts. Weeks ago I called one of my best friends on skype. She has been married for five years. We talked about many things: family, Covid, Lockdown, and marriage. Just at the moment when we talked about marriage, I knew that something was wrong.

She said " my marriage is not going well. I want to get a divorce"

I said her " Wao, Marina(not real name), but why? Has he another woman or has been violent to you?

Her answer was "not really no, just that I am not longer happy in my marriage"

I said her: Ok wait a minute, We can not be happy all the time, It is ok if you are not happy at this moment in your marriage, I regard that is not a reason to get a divorce. Talk to your husband, maybe the whole Pandemie's issues is affecting your mood. I advised her change the routine, read books, pray.

If you are reading that you muss know life has time for everything.