My first lucid dream

My first lucid dream



Today I want to share with you how I've gotten my first lucid dream. It was some time ago, but I've just refreshed my memory as I found my dream diary. Before I jump into the dream I want to say a few words about what happened before and how I prepared to get it. As I remember I was trying to reach that state for more than two months. I was hooked on it and I was ready to do whatever it takes to experience it. The Internet was full of stories of people who managed to taste the feeling of being able to do whatever they wanted. The more I read about it the more I became obsessed with it. At first, I was only focusing on remembering my dreams, meticulously writing down every detail of my dreams once I woke up. This was pretty easy and great fun. As I skimmed my diary, it seems that I made huge progress starting with just three vague dreams during the first night to be able to remember up to ten full of details dreams eventually. Once I became good enough at remembering and created a routine to write everything down I moved on to the toughest part of realizing that I'm dreaming while I'm actually dreaming. I tried to establish a habit of doing reality checks to achieve that, but it seemed impossible to force myself to do that while dreaming. Anyway, I didn't give up and I was doing those weird things even more often just to eventually do it subconsciously while asleep. Finally, it happened and I realized that I'm inside a dream just by toggling the light switch in my imaginary room. The switch didn't work the way it should. Instead of turning the light off, only the light color changed. That was weird at first, but after a while, something clicked in my mind and I became conscious. I still remember that feeling of excitement. It was real even though I was asleep. I was no longer a first-person spectator. I took over the dream and from that moment everything was up to me. Almost immediately I run out of my house, but as soon as I was outside the dream started to fall apart. Everything I was seeing started to blur and after a short while I was out of the dream and woke up. I wasn't surprised that it lasted so short since I read a lot about how hard it is to maintain the dream. Especially as a beginner, I had only theoretical knowledge about how to sustain it. I tried to use one method but it didn't pan out. I think that it was impossible to keep it up because I was too excited and also I didn't know what I want to do next. I'd never planned what I really want to do in my first lucid dream and therefore my mind decided to end it. Even though the dream was short it was a tremendous lesson for me and a pivotal point for my further journey of dreaming. From that moment I started having more of them and I began to work on maintainability, but that's whole another story. Be sure I'll publish more posts about it as I'm again interested in it and it's great fun to discover the topic again after a while.