Are The Butterfly Dream and  The Metamorphosis related?

Are The Butterfly Dream and The Metamorphosis related?



I promised myself that I would improve my English by writing about something everyday. I don’t know exactly how to start, so I’ll do it talking about a correlation that I came up when I was chatting with someone about dreams and Kafka’s Metamorphosis. I don’t actually think that these things have any kind of relation, but I would like to know other people’s opinions about it. So, I was talking about The Butterfly Dream by Chuang Tzu, something like “I dreamed that I was a butterfly or am I a butterfly dreaming about being human?” this expresses our inability to tell when we are actually dreaming or awake, because if while we are dreaming things don't seem out of place, how can we tell if what we consider reality right now isn’t just a dream? This kind of things. So the person came up with the Metamorphosis’ comment. One day, a man wakes up and finds himself transformed into an insect. Besides the human-insect/insect-human situation, I don’t think these things are related because Kafka’s metamorphosis follows the line of criticism about a society that denies humanity for some people to feed on their energy and labor. Despite that, I don’t want to dismiss the comment from the person I was talking to, because I don’t have any deep knowledge about both subjects. So what do you think?