



Yesterday I went to Crossfit. It was such as incredible experience being in the arena with my best mate and surrounded by good-vibes people. The training started with a core/warm-up set of different functionals movements, to prepare the body for the workout of the day. After that, a strength block took place, combining weighted lunges and squats. Surprisingly, I did not die and passed to the next part. An Amrap of heavy Row, clean, and push press triangulation was done. To complicate things even more, a max squat was followed after each set. Finalizing with heavy sweating Work out, I concluded a rock-solid day.he

Yesterday I went to CrossFit again. The wod consisted basically of a strength block, followed by three wods in a row, decreasing in strength but increasing endurance. I worked out with a 25-years-old guy that to my surprise, was not as fit as me. Perhaps there is a bit of hope in my journey of trimming down my weight.