2022 was a crazy year

2022 was a crazy year



Hello again, Tim,

Many thanks for having recommended "Don't Look Up" to me. This film has really blown my mind. I just got carried away with this piece of art, and I had to sit down and write to you the stuff that dawned on me whilst I was watching it.

First things first, it goes without saying that I had incredible expectations about the film. You know. Leonardo Di Caprio, Jennifer Lawrance, Maryl Steep... The cast was, to put it mildly, amazing! And I'm still wondering how our former vice-president Ariana Grande hasn't changed too much, her magnificent appearance, voice and charisma… To date, they seem in pristine conditions. It’s dope!

At a first glance, I thought:

"What? There's a fucking comet hurling towards Earth and these toerags dare to stay babbling over business and money? This bullshit doesn't make any sense, and it's too far-fetched"

But then, I remembered that 2022 was the first decade of the coronavirus pandemic and things were deeply crazy. Can you imagine that there were leaders suggesting that people intake disinfectant and that vaccines can turn you into an alligator? In addition to it, after years of advices from scientists that were really concerned about climate change, political and entrepreneurs in a full-blown "making-profit-come-rain-or-shine" mode were still in the saddle of societies of yore and dictated what would be made.

Recently, I've been reminding our History classes, when we learned about this period. It sucks to know how long it took for our ancestors to, paraphrasing the queen, "get their heads out of their asses and listen to the goddammit qualified scientists".

To come clean, it's pretty weird to watch stuff of that times. Did you realise that the average people were extremely passive about everything? How come nobody thought of arranging a revolutionary movement to topple that government and implement science-guided and carry out dire measures to solve the climate problem?

Do you believe that some people had the nerve to say they were living in "anthropocene"? This bullshit probably came from some American or European fogey swarmed with superiority complex and racism. After all, if they proclaimed to be a human-centered society, how on earth there was almost one billion people starving in poor countries? It's completely unfair. Truth be told, they were in a capital-centered society in which only rich guys' lives mattered.

Fortunately, if I am here, writing this e-mail to you, it's because upset people craving for justice made action out of fear.

Perhaps, a dangerous comet wasn't the best analogy to what we were facing in that time. They could’ve solved that problem swimmingly without changing any structure of society. They could’ve just prepared the missiles, fire them towards the meteor, and, Bob's your uncle, they would've smashed it away.

However, our grandparents faced a more deep-seated issue, and to understand the intricacies around that is key to wrap your head around it. To cope with climate change, they couldn't count on nether those prepossessing and ambitious men who run behemoths like Amazon, Tesla and Facebook nor with far-right political who deny science and hate the working class.

Don't get me wrong, but the President of the United States was a murderer, a genocide, and an ecocide. And watching her being eaten by an alien really took a sting out of me. And to be sincere, I usually feel the same when I learn about the end of the likes of her that kept trying to ward off any plan of a fair society that could prevent us to perish. Just like Mussolini, Margareth Tatcher, Pinochet, and that orange-skinned blond dude who I can’t recall the name…

Does it make me an evil person?

By the way, have you ever read Ariana's book about how she became from a popular singer to the brain behind the revolutionary plan? If you want to understand the path humanity crossed to devise a society with no injustice, hunger, and homelessness, this book is a must!

