Listening to Podcast #1

Listening to Podcast #1


daily life

Sword and Scale

Episode 209

Duration : 1 h


When Patricia Velazquez left her 12-year-old daughter Yhoanna home alone for a few hours on August 10th, 2017, she expected to return home to a living, breathing child. Yhoanna was a good kid who followed all of her mother’s rules, so Patricia felt no need to worry. The nightmare Patricia returned home to that evening would change her life forever. Yhoanna hadn’t been abducted from her home like many children are. She was dead on her bedroom floor.

This is a real life case that has really affected me because I have a younger sister. She's going to be 15 next month, and she has already experienced a whole lot of uncomfortable, dangerous situations. So, I get this mother. She was as cautious as she could by teaching her kids what to do when she wasn't home. And I'm telling you, that's something hard to teach because kids don't think twice before opening the door if someone knocks.

My parents always were way too hard on us about the rules that we must follow when they weren't around. In fact, my sister and I were left home alone pretty frequently. For instance, we must not open the door to strangers by any means. We must not go with a stranger anywhere, and so on and so forth. Nonetheless, we still experienced and were in pretty uncomfortable situations with strangers and members of our own family.

We can't know when something bad is going to happen to us or someone close to us and who is going to be the villain. To say nothing of how we react when these things happen.

So, let me ask you something. How can we know what to do in any of those situations? To be totally honest, I think there's a long ride to get to know that. Fortunately, nowadays there's much more technology that helps to solve these cases, and more dangerous people are being caught. Not to mention, there's more education about these topics in schools and parents are more aware of them too.

Anyway, do you like the Sword and Scale podcast or true crime stories?