Zoos Are Blessing For The Animals

Zoos Are Blessing For The Animals


daily life

I chose to talk about this statement which I agree with. At the beginning I would like to clarify that in the ideal world animals live in nature, follow their instincts and roam. Unfortunately, we don‘t live in a perfect world and lots of species have already gone extinct or they have been endangered by hunters and global changes.

Before judging zoos it have to be considered that for many species zoos are the only chance to survive. Pollution, destruction of their habitats, hunting represents a constant threat for rare animals. Let’s take an average zoo. Proper nutrition, educated zookeepers and medical care are standard everywhere. Not to mention, that zoos serve educational purposes. Having chance to observe a wide spectrum of animals helps people to learn more about them and become more environmentally conscious. Furthermore, the fact that scientists and researchers don’t have to travel thousands of kilometers to study unique species is priceless. Having a zoo at the corner contributes to perform studies quicker, more in detail. As a result, people can gain more precise knowledge about animals which helps understand them better.

On the other hand, there is the common belief that animals are placed in captivity for the sole purpose of human amusement. This is the main slogan of anti-zoos movements.

If we go beyond surface, it is obvious that zoos have to meet high standards and regulations and working in those institutions is not about fun but about helping animals.

To conclude, zoos are vital because they protect biodiversity and expand human’s knowledge about animals.