Dear Mr Wayne

Dear Mr Wayne



Dear Mr Wayne,

I am writing in response to the statement you made for Gotham News after you had apprehended, spanked and arrested a mob of thugs who were assaulting a bank. You said you will keep fighting against injustice and for the well-being of our people. Therefore, you are willing to go the extra mile to weed out all criminals of our city until the crime be over.

First things first, it’s plain as day that there’s no need to pretend that nobody knows who you are, Mr Wayne. What other extremely wealthy middle-aged white man with free time would manage to purchase every stuff you’ve got? I just can’t wonder why the Joker have never leaked the information that you’re the person behind Batman.

It goes without saying that in mainstream media it’s common to hear journalists, celebrities, and politicians claiming that they worry about the growing violence in our city, and something must be done to halt it. Though, in their opinion, in order to achieve a more peaceful society, heightening the law enforcement is a must. After all, they say, the low level of policement is the cause of our debacle.

Nonetheless, in an attempt to protect our citizens from criminality, we end up supporting Human Rights abuses, social inequality, and even more violence.

Have you ever wondered, Dark Knight, how come there’s a chasm between the numbers of violence in European and African, Asian, and Latin American countries? According to United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, the intentional homicide rate in England and in France is 1.2 out of 100,000 whereas in South Africa, Mexico, and Kazakhstan is over 30. Coincidently or not, the rate of poverty in these nations are as big as their number of violent crimes.

Thus, unless you believe that’s because people in Europe or North America are the most cultured and civilized ones while the others are barbarians, it’s necessary that social inequality be in the crux of this discussion.

When it comes to policement, we can pick Brazil, for example, a very unequal and violent country. Brazilian Police is notorious for being the one that kills more in the world. In average, around 10,000 people are murdered by the police annually while the amount of corpses made by English policemen is close to zero.

Therefore, if policement is the key for a secure society, and Brazil has so eye-watering number of deaths by the police, why on earth does its intentional homicide rate is too high?

More and more, social scientists have been releasing convincing evidence that policement has never been a good way to harness criminality, but somehow the elite manages to hold sway among the paupers.

When many people live in misery, and they can’t access important goods like education, employment, living, healthcare, and so on, some of them naturally tend to resort to illicit paths. Thus, it’s due to the Government to assure that these basic rights are being offered to its population.

To boil it down, Bruce, if you’re really interested and willing to make Gotham a great place to live, it’s fair to say that you’re barking up the wrong tree, to put it mildly. Instead of dealing with the symptoms of a cheesy and unequal society, I’d recommend that you turn your gusto to fight for a better redistribution of income and the decrease of our inequality.

However, I’ve got the feeling that you will just let sleeping dogs lie, right? After all, at the end of the day, it doesn’t match so much with your personal and selfish interests.

All my best,
