20 minutes conversation with a man from England (11)

20 minutes conversation with a man from England (11)


language learning

We talked about buying a house. He is in the process of buying a house. Recently he chooses the house to move and now deal the house price with the owner. He says that if the owner accepts his price, It takes about a few months to move there. I have many questions about this topic. The most curious thing is the house price. He talked to me that the price is £250 thousand and UK government support 5% of the price for first-time home buyer. I said that I wish the offer been accepted. Then I talked my situation about buying a house. I recorded my voice, so the below is exactly what I said. I write this for later English learning.

I moved to this house about three years ago, and I live here my family.. relatively in Seoul.. here is OO, city names is OO, relatively low price of house but in this house price is maybe about £OOO thousand, It doesn't my house, it's only rent house. I borrowed money from bank and I rented this house for five years, a few years later I move to another house, so.. it is very stressful thing alway.

For this conversation, I searched buying process of UK and found some statistic data in related to housing in UK.

I find some statistic data to housing in UK, the report says that in your age, I mean that from 25 to 34, only have one fourth have a house.. no no one tenth, every ten only one have a house, in South Korea the situation is maybe worse, below 30 years old, only 1.7% people have their own house.

My last question is what kind of house he lived in his early ages, but my speech lose the way just like below.

When you were a kid, how the house looks like.. what's your place.. sorry.. what's the house looks like when you were a kid?

I honor his patience, it makes me to speak more, and I feel responsibility to his patience, I have to make more efforts.