Sharing my thoughts #2

Sharing my thoughts #2


language learning

Lately, I've been preoccupied with thoughts that I'm not doing enough when it comes to my English and I need to speed things up. I know that I spend a lot of time studying the language, but there is always part of me saying that I can do better. It mostly comes down to my efficacy. Perhaps I could be more specific and strict when it comes to my schedule and instead of doing whatever I feel up to doing be more organized and get down to just one activity at a time. This way I could see the progress faster, but obviously, it will take its toll on other skills that are of the same importance. As a result, I came up with an idea of precisely planned activities around one particular area in a short amount of time. Let's say 5 days and then switch to another well-planned set of activities. I like to call it a learning sprint. Actually, I've already given it a shot. You might have noticed that I've been very active on Journaly over the last week. So in my very first sprint, I focused on writing and partially reading as it's an indispensable part of it. Since the sprint is already over I can share the results. Let's start with the raw numbers. I've published six articles and sketched out another four. Some of them are in quite an advanced stage. Additionally, I've read a multitude of others' articles and left over 50 comments. These numbers are quite impressive. I've never imagined doing so much in just 5 days. Moreover, I see huge progress in my writing as expressing myself in black and with comes much easier. I'm satisfied with the results, but I'm also concerned about whether this approach would work with other activities therefore I haven't decided yet what the next sprint will be about. Anyway, I'll let you know about the outcome if I do another one.