Making The Child Do Household Chorces Is The Best Punishment

Making The Child Do Household Chorces Is The Best Punishment


daily life

I chose to talk about this statement which I disagree with.

First, I would like to list some examples which prove the fact that punishing children with housework is not effective at all.

Since the cleanliness and order of the household have to be maintained anyway, making this activity a way of punishment can be contra productive. They end up hating household chores because they are connected to negative emotions. Is this what we want? Would it be not better, if they took their share voluntarily?

Before burdening the children with household chores, parents should think over how overburdened their child might already be. Considering how many lessons and extracurricular activities have they, helping around might not be the best tool for punishment. Moping and cleaning around takes at least a hour. Not to mention that there are household tasks which are not suitable for children. Ironing or washing can sometimes do more harm than good.

On top of that, they are much more effective ways of punishment. Taking away their gadgets forces them to reconsider and change their bad behaviour because these days they are addicted to modern technology. I think, parents have to make an advantage from this phenomenon.

Naturally, punishing them is not always the best tool from pedagogical aspects. Explaining to children the expectations and possible negative consequences is beyond price when it comes to cognitive development.

To conclude, using household chores as a tool of punishment is not advisable because children end up developing negative feelings toward them.