What's money?

What's money?



Have you ever wondered what's money? Have you ever thought how much your life would be easier if you had a lot of them? Does it happen to you that you don't want to be rich just because you consider it less spiritual? Today I'm going to tackle those questions, so stick around if you're interested.

People usually don't think about money itself. They use it to get other things, but they find it hard to define it. In fact, money is just a piece of paper or metal we use as a tool, something we can exchange for another thing. We made it up to make our lives easier, but it has no apparent value apart from the value of the material it's made of. That's it. It's just an abstract thing we all agreed to use as an exchange tool. That's the biggest treaty we respect. We can even go one step further and name it a promise. It's still a valid definition since there's no real value behind a printed note. Doesn't it make you worried? All the money you have in your wallet or in your bank account is just a virtual thing that allows you to buy commodities today, but maybe it won't be enough to afford them in the future. The events we've all been experiencing over the last 2 years - the pandemic and the conflict in Ukraine - showed us how fast the value of that promise can decrease. People don't bother about the economy, but it seems that the global financial system is weak and frail. Politics try to calm us down by saying that the system is firm, but the facts apparently show a different perspective. The world economy can be destabilized by a relatively small incident. We saw it in 2007 when the system fell apart due to the bankruptcy of one of the biggest banking institutions in the USA and we experience the same nowadays. It feels like no one drew any conclusions and the same mistakes have been made. Unfortunately, most of us can't do anything about it and our destiny is to just accept it and become poorer and poorer. We live in a society that's divided into poor and rich and as time goes by the dividing line becomes more vivid. Additionally, many people believe that being rich is something evil. We tend to associate wealth with being greedy and stingy. That's totally wrong, but these kinds of thoughts are often deeply rooted in our minds by our parents who believe the same. As a result, we give up and stop chasing our dreams. I deliberately use the word "dreams" instead of "money" because I genuinely believe that money is just a proxy to achieve our goals. It's obvious that some human beings are good and others are sinister, but we should never make a connection between being bad and wealth. There are philantropes and misantropes. The former use their money to help others, donate to charity organizations, help the poor to get out of the rabbit hole, and so forth. Rich misanthropes on the other hand are mainly concentrated on themselves, they don't care for others and therefore are perceived as bad and greedy. The evil is always vociferous, but it doesn't mean that the good isn't there. Spirituality isn't connected with being wealthy. Spirituality comes from our intrinsic value system and no amount of money can change it.

Having that said, it now should be obvious that if you really care for others you should take care of yourself in the first place and use your richness to serve the needy. The more money you have the more you can help others. Treat money as a tool, not as an ultimate goal. Don't ever think that being rich means you take something from others. The world is full of opportunities and there's enough for everybody, so take your chance first and then use your position to show others how to unlock their full potential. The more influential you are the more human beings you can inspire.