The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying


interior design

Beta Day 3: Today in English. (Testing bolt, underlined and italic)

When I was searching for a good read in Japanese I came across the book called "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying" by Marie Kondo (人生がときめく片づけの魔法). And what should I say? It is great. That is for two reasons.

First - obviously - is, that it could fix some issues I have with keeping things tidied up. There is nothing I can imagine I dislike more than tidying up.

Second: it is quite easy to read. Since there is no real plot to follow, it is not punishing if you don´t get every sentence. What´s more frustrating than missing that one crucial hint in a murder story just because you didn´t understand one sentence. Here, even if I have to skip a whole paragraph I still don´t have the feeling of being completly lost. And since the topic is circling around the same topic all the time, there is so much (new) vocab, that is repeating over and over again. I don´t have the urge to get everything when I see it. It is rather so that I will see it on the next page again. That makes the book quite easy to understand.

Right now I am around 80 pages into it. This is not the first book I try to read in Japanese, of course I tried Harry Potter, then I tried a horror novel called "Another" (which I loved the anime series very much for its shock and gore), and finally I managed to finish my first book with "The little prince". But even the latter was way more difficult to follow. Here I seem to drive through like a warm knife through butter, with around 3 unknown words per page.

If you like to, give it a try. In my opinion, this book is even easier than fiction novels for kids.