Fast Food Does More Harm Than Good.

Fast Food Does More Harm Than Good.


daily life

I chose to talk about this statement which I disagree with. First, I would like to list some examples which prove the fact that fast food has a place in people's life and not the worst thing in the world is.

Imagine to be in a rush, having a stressful day. Of course, you will get hungry. Is it not convinient to stop by a fast food chain and grab some food? This fast availability is a game changer during hectic days. Unfortunately, these days this scenario happens quite often. Knowing that you can eat warm food even on the busiest day is a huge pro.

Whereas eating in general excessively pose a health risk, it has been proven that fast food consumed in moderation is not harmful at all. On the contrary, in fast food restaurants a wide variety of salads and vegetarian foods can be found. Choosing those products is definitely a health-conscious decision.

Another trademark of fast food chains is the same taste all over the world. Whenever you are abroad and you have doubts about the cuisine of the given country, eating in those famous fast food restaurants seems to be a reasonable decision. Suppliers are supposed to meet strict standarts worldwide, whics guarantees similar standard of food.

Naturally, those restaurants don't serve just one purpose. It is widely acknowledged that they are perfect locations for young people to socialize and work in summer to get some pocket money.

To conclude, as long as junk food is eaten in moderation the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.