Old school vs New school

Old school vs New school


daily life

Here "school" stands for different lifestyles like from the past way of life to the present. The main reason to write a difference between them is to recollect those memories which are really collectable. From exercises to gosships everything has changed from time to time. Old bodybuilders in their interviews mention difficulties with countable equipments they have had that time. Hitting body parts with these limited equipments are really difficult and same for other related games. Nowadays we have so many machines with special expertise not only in the bodybuilding fields but also in factories and schools. In the past manual works were a pivotal part in all industries, which is good in some extent like now human mortality rate decreases due to precations and automated machines but opportiuinites in the job sectors is now low due to modernation and replacement of manforce with the machine force. Same happened in the education field, now kindergarten kids study through projectors and LED'S. Online plateforms have changed the whole schenario, students reach to any teacher with face time in some couple of seconds. But parents sometimes curse these online way of everything because their kids addicted to them and socially cut themselves. Which is really a genuine cause. Parents say that their kids do not talk to them even in free time rather he/she invest surfing on internet or in random videos. We who are reading this journal are people from transition age and we know the consequences of technologies. The main difficulties is today's kid who got smartphones and internet from the early age and we can't see the future globe in a good shape.

The lesson we can learn from this is how we can balance our lifestyle with these new coming innovations.

Thanks :)

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