What does it mean to be a good friend?  What type of friend am I?

What does it mean to be a good friend? What type of friend am I?


daily life

Giving a proper definition for good friends is somehow difficult for me but in my own circle I have some friends who have great qualities which I don't want to compare with the definition rather a nice human being. They treat every person very kindly. Some of my friends have great qualities of helping others without any greedyness. Sometimes, they are not with me during my happy hours which is ok but they are always stand with me when I am not feeling well or I suffer badly when I actually want someone to be with me, that gives me positive energy. I observe these qualities of a nice person and I also want to pay them back whenever I get a chance. I also wanted some overseas friends since my childhood and for the past 2 years I have made some great overseas friends gracefully. They are really helpful especially a friend who teaches me English and correct me when I make mistakes is like a dream comes true. I really want to mention this because in the past they were strangers to me and now they are very close friends to me. I am blessed that I got great friends and in response I am ready to give them an amazing time. whenever my friends need me I go to visit them and discuss about the difficulties in their life for my contribution through any form and my hearts says I should be like them, a kind, a helpful, an honest and a nice person.Sometimes, being with your friends, is all the therapy you need.

Thanks, please correct my journal.