A comfort zone

A comfort zone


daily life

I've heard something interesting today. I regularly listen to podcasts by Iwona Majewska-Opiełka. She is a Polish psychologist who lives in Canada. I found her website by accident; she translated into Polish the book by Steven Covey "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People", one of my most favorite books by the way.

We can often hear that we can improve and develop us seriously only if we go out from our own comfort zones. As long as we are inside them, we can't get real progress in our lives. Iwona told that she disagrees and explained why.

I'll give you a couple of examples. When you learn a foreign language and you enjoy it, it doesn't require from you leaving that zone. It can be nice, pleasant, and comfortable. If you are home and learn or improve any skill/new skill, and - what is important - you don't hate it, it also doesn't need too much your effort. Every thing like that doesn't need you to leave the comfort zone, but you are improving/developing yourself with no doubt. Things like that can pay off in the future as well, no need to explain it.

I think it's quite common that we hear some universal-known statement, we hear it when it's repeating by many people/sources/etc. and we just take it as the truth. I don't say that we should question everything, just in case. Though, perhaps we should sometimes rethink some "obvious" sentences and slogans, don't we?

Nevertheless, I'm grateful that there are people and events that can open my eyes to many things in that world. No one of us can understand, imagine, feel, and analyze everything. It's necessary to use somebody's knowledge and experience to make life more valuable and fullest.