Don't give up

Don't give up


language learning
daily life
journaly updates

Hi. A lot has happened the last days. Basically the school that I went in wasn't what I expected. So I decided to leave that school and look for some others. But the career that I wanted to study is so expensive, and well, I planed and visualized my future being a great professional doing what I like. But as always, life hits hard and your live's plan can change overnight.

You have two options, give up or moving forward. I chose the second one. I'm aware that the path is hard, but also that is not impossible. Fall down and get up as many times you need, but never give up. Each down is a lesson, and we decide if to learn of it or still falling down with the same stone all the time.

Actually I'm sad and discouraged, but it is normal, I mean... my live's plan has just changed of what I wanted. But I know that I'm capable to move forward and I will. Tears are just a sign that you still alive and have to continue with your live. That's how winning is done.

And well, as always, please give me feedback of my writting to sound more "natural", and maybe also some idioms or phrasal verbs to use instead of some words. Thanks and nice weekend.