


language learning

Hey everyone.

Let's talk about reading.

As a kid, I used to read a lot of books. When I was 12 years old, I started to read one of my favorites childhood series: Harry Potter. Then, I was introduced to Percy Jackson's series. I've spent hours reading those books, and it became a passion for a long time. I was able to read hundreds of pages in one day. However, as the years passed by, I lost this habit. I'm certain I lost it because of high school. I had to study a lot in order to maintain my scholarship.

Then, I went to University. In there, I had to read a lot of scientific papers, and by the time I got free time, I didn't want to spend it reading other things. Gradually, I stopped reading for my own pleasure once and for all. Sometimes I read one or the other books, but it's hard to hold consistency.

By the time I was a very good reader, my favorite genres were fantasy and fiction.

I really want to create the habit of reading again, but this time in a foreign language. I was thinking in read the series I used to like, this time in English. Maybe, by knowing the background of the story, it would be easier to read it. Also, it would be extremely good for improving the language, because I would be expanding my vocabulary for informal and daily conversations. The problem is that I don't enjoy that much the things I liked in the past. So, I need to get good book recommendations for adults.

Maybe if I read a book every week or two weeks I'll improve my English quickly.

Do you have any recommendations?

What's your relationship with reading? I would like to know.

I'll see you in my next post.