The house

The house


daily life

The first story begins with a poor family, that consisted of the father, the mother, the daughter and the baby. And they were being visited by their family. The father ended up, after that visit, hugely affected by what his family said to him about his family's home. So while he was drunk and wandering in the forest close to his house, he meet an odd man. Later, He came back really happy and hungry, and asked his wife to make him dinner. But while he was having dinner he fell asleep.

In the morning, someone knocked on the door as the mother was cooking. This knock woke the father, and the mother went to open the door.

What is a home? Why are we so attached to them? Why do we make ourselves part of the house? These questions were all over my head as I was watching the movie.

By the way, I'm not going to write any spoiler, I just wanted to share my thoughts about "The house".

I've only got to have one house. I remember that one of my father's dreams was having his own house. He achieved this after he won the lottery twice.

My first impression of the house wasn't the best, but when I saw the changes being made I started to get my father's vision. I lived there almost three years, because after my father's dead I decided I didn't want to live there anymore, and I still don't.

I mean, it was cool having a house, but that house was one of the reasons my father could become a monster, and later that led him to his death. This was really surprising to my sisters and me, because we admired him a lot. But you know, houses can change us sometimes. Certain environments can make us worse or better if we want.

I wonder if my father is now a part of that house. Maybe he is, but who knows.

I think we're attached to certain things, because they make us feel safer. What is a house if not a place that protects us from the rain, and if we're thirsty there's water. Maybe I'm simplifying it too much. Maybe we create the meaning of what is a house or a home, and that's why we make ourselves part of it. Maybe we're taught to overestimate it, because it's a part of our history and effort.

Have you watched "The house"? If so, did you like it?