"Evil is the result of ignorance."

"Evil is the result of ignorance."



A few days ago, some politicians in South Korea proposed laws about counseling. The laws include a qualification of counseling. In fact, Everyone who wants to be a counselor will become a counselor according to the laws. Even if who does not train, but only pass a written examination.

Politicians who made the whole shit laws want more votes by they pretend that they care of people's mental health. To do so, they ignore current experts and training systems, and set the bar low in relation to become a counselor.

I think, If someone wants that more people benefit from mental health system of the country, he should check existing expert qualifications and focus on qualifications which have a long tradition and well-established training system. But Politicians take no interest in that process, as a result people's mental health ironically damage from the mental health system of the country.