On tour

On tour



Last weekend my friends and I decided to visit the Russian Premier League football match between FC Nizhniy Novgorod and FC Spartak Moscow. Our idea was to spend one night after the match in Nizhniy Novgorod to est. My friends booked a hotel. I planned to stay with my brother, as usual in Nizhniy Novgorod.

On Saturday in the early morning I got a taxi to the railway station. I wanted to save money, so I chose economy class, but it was my mistake. It seemed the driver was absolutely exhausted, he really wanted to sleep, however he drove crazy. I suppose our average speed was about 130km/h. I said that I am not in a hurry, but he tried to finish my order as soon as possible.

One of my friend is Armenian, so he took a small bottle of  "chacha", so we started our trip drinking alcohol, despite being about 8am. As a result, our cocoon of hard busy week became less oppressive. The railway route went through Vladimirskaya region. I was born there, so I got some historical notes about the small towns behind the window. These stations flashed again and again to punctuate the passage of time.

Finally, we got to Nizhniy Novgorod. We didn't have a lot of time before the match (it started at 2pm, pretty early for the football match), so we left our baggage at the hotel and walked to the stadium.

There were a lot of spectators and most of them supported FC Spartak. In fact, football is not so popular in Nizhniy Novgorod. On the other hand, it's easy to get to Nizhniy from Moscow. The match tied 1-1 and a very funny episode occured in the second time. A Moscow player executed penalty kick, scored a goal, but this goal was cancelled because he touched a ball twice. I have seen such a moment for the first time. I'd like to say that we were snuffed out at that moment. To be honest we were totally disappointed by the result.

Anyway, after the match we went sightseeing on the bank of the Volga River. After that we went to the beer pub "Eric the ed" to celebrate our tour.

The next day my head weighed a ton, but we continued our sightseeing, so we visited the Kremlin, the cable way across the Volga rver and the park, which had been totally reconstructed for the 800th anniversary of the city.

We came back to Moscow in the evening. I had a great time!