20 minutes conversation with a man from England (8)

20 minutes conversation with a man from England (8)


language learning

I talked with Jay. He had met broker who manage his contract about house early in the morning, so we talked 20 minutes later than usual. He had searched for new real estate, and looked a little bit tired. I said him that I hope he get a new house what he wants.

One week ago, I requested him to send his playlist of music. He sent me his recent playlist. We talked about the list. He listened EDM for example Sickick. I thought the artist makes trendy vibe, and when go to the gym or work, the music makes high. It's not like my favorite music or genre, but impressive some point.

After talking about music, we moved theme into language learning. Recently he had studied Korean. He can speak only few words. Korean is one of the most difficult language to learn. I encouraged him and I say that I enough understood him. He said some secret of his child period, I can't say the secret but It gave me some courage to speak English. My language looks like always low, someday I speak fluently, I hope wholeheartedly.