Parenting Methods

Parenting Methods



The development of children is influenced by the parenting methods their parents use. As every child-parent combination is unique, different parenting methods evolve with their respective features. I grew up under the soothing care of Dolphin Parents. They had reasonable expectations and sometimes disciplined me when needed, yet understood that I needed room and freedom to develop my personality. Spending my first ten years in Germany, learning Chinese was never an important goal of mine. However, my parents knew that we were going to move back to Taiwan sooner or later, and that it would be essential to master Chinese for a smooth integration. As a result, my mother insisted that I keep up with the Taiwanese curriculum on Chinese, which meant that I had no choice but to practice Chinese every day after school, often accompanied with my cries. On the other hand, my parents never forced me to study for school or go to cram school. What they did was to talk to me, letting me understand that I was studying for myself and for my future. They helped me develop a study plan when I reached out for their help and sometimes gently reminded me to stick to the plan when I had no motivation.

I am gladful and thankful for my Dolphin Parents because they provided me with the vital competencies to lead a happy life. Under their guidance, I acquired basic language knowledge, which I wouldn't have done by myself. Furthermore, I understand the importance of being aware of the purpose of things I am doing, such as studying, and to find a motivation by myself. I also learned how to make realistic plans and that sometimes I need to remind myself of the purpose in times of low drive. The freedom my parents gave me also enabled me to meet many interesting people, to stroll alone through the city, and to confront with some difficulties. During this process, I learned to socialize, to lead conversations with myself, and to deal with problems on my own. Most importantly, I became a person that I like, independent, self-confident, and curious what life has yet to offer.