My passion for languages.

My passion for languages.


language learning
daily life

Hi! Today I want to write a little bit about my approach to languages and how I started to develop this interest in languages. (Please If you know there is a better or more natural way to write something down below , let me know, I want to discover and use more vocabulary and to write and talk with a more native English).

Like many people nowadays I learned English at school for only 3 years, then I graduated and I decided to study English on my own, because I wasn't in the best economic situation.

I started looking for a book of grammar, I got it, and I started to do the exercises, drills, and other stuff. But It was really boring for me. At that moment the only way for me to learn a language was to learn grammar, because... let's face it, the schools convince you that the only way to learn a language is with a lot of grammar and lists of vocabulary. Or at least that's how it was in my school.

After that, I decided to look for an English course . I went trough Tiktok like I often do, and I found a polyglot lady promoting her English course. She convinced me, and I decided to pay forthe course. She explained the content very well to be honest, but all the content was also about grammar. I finished the course and I didn't get their courses anymore.

But with that situation, I started to develop this interest in becoming a polyglot, so I started looking for more information on YouTube. I found amazing people who could speak several and different languages. I fell in love with the idea of being a polyglot. They shared the ways to AQUIARE a language, talking about Stephen Krashen, Input comprehensible, active recall, spaced repetition and mainly the difference between acquiring and learning a language. I started learning so much from them. So I began to put into practice those methods and approaches.

I'v been learning English and Russian on my own since that moment, and I can say that I improved tremendously, mainly with English that is a language which I struggled a lot with. And Russian jaja, I know it wasn't the best choice since It is a very complex language, but I enjoy it.

I am still learning about this field related to languages and how to learn or acquire them.