关于华为P30 的会话
Chinese (Simplified)

关于华为P30 的会话




我听说过本来华为 P30 Pro的 camera的最初的目标是拍月亮的图片。我不清楚那是真的呢。

i heard that the Huawei P30 pro has an incredible camera was originally built to take pictures of the moon. i wonder if that's true.

哈哈,所以你有个个人 telescope呢?

haha, so you have your own personal telescope , right?

可能是 P40 Pro 会拍 X-rays,哈哈

maybe the P40 Pro will take ex-rays, haha

你是对的,normal cameras 这几天会 show every little detail。

you're right, these days normal cameras will show every little detail.

很吃惊华为 P30 Pro 完全耐水。

it's crazy that the Huawei P30 pro is completely waterproof.

我不用那种 feature, 但对fishermen应该是完美呢

i don't need that feature, but that is perfect for fisherman!


wow, this whole time i assumed that he had 2 phones: a personal phone & a work phone!

我买了 Macbook几年之后,我决定买个 iPhone,但是我后来换成 Android。

after i got a MacBook, i decided to get an iPhone, but later i switched to android.

我这几天比较喜欢 Samsung品牌的手机。我这几天没那么在意武断的 status symbols。

i generally prefer Samsung phones.

these days i don't really care about status symbols.