I became a Christian.

I became a Christian.



"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16

Even if you're not a Christian and this post drew your attention somehow, I ask you to stay for a little while. As I'll be totally honest and tell how this happened and what has changed since I decided to become a Christian.

Well, if you don't know me, hi! How's life treating you these days? I know, things aren't easy, are they? It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Nori!

How I became a Christian and why

It happened a few days ago, to be honest with you, I was once a devout Christian before, but I just gave up on it too soon, as I was way too immature and I couldn't see that things get hard at times, I thought I'd always be feeling good or connected to God. And when I saw it wasn't how things worked I quit, a long time passed by, and here I am. My goal with this post isn't to preach or something like that, but to be honest. I've felt an emptiness, and this emptiness was one of the reasons why I've decided to pursue a dream, like learning English. And I don't regret it at all, I love this language, but after a while, there was that odd void again. It's as if I was working so hard to lie to myself and solve shallow issues like motivation, self-esteem and all this stuff when there was a whole world underground. Well, this emptiness was always there, and for some reason, I felt my place wasn't there, even as a non-Christian I felt I was wrong, I felt I was lying to myself when I said I trusted God or loved him. Because whenever I said so I knew I would follow him if I loved him so much like I said. I felt an unexplainable sadness and emptiness, it wasn't depression, but I knew something was off, you know? And I simply have always felt Jesus was what my soul looked for, but you know when you you have sooo many questions that you simply can't do something? I was like "Okay, but what about all other religions, do I have to believe all of 'em are wrong?" and "What's up with this eternal hell thing?" But someday I was at home, sat by myself with my emptiness, and wondering what was wrong, though I knew it. And I decided to watch some sermons of a Jesus' movie on Youtube, and well, I cried so much and I knew what I had to do, there was no other answer which could fill my void. There was no other way, and well, I accepted Jesus there, and at the same time this happened my heart filled with hope and expectation for the future. And all of a sudden, my emptiness and void simply disappeared, yes, in a question of seconds. The feeling which I had fought for years, to be honest, I still got questions, things I need to solve with Christianity. I'm still afraid of certain things, there are questions my heart wants to know. But I realized I didn't want to suffer anymore, and for a moment I put all my questions and doubts aside to accept Jesus. And now he's helping me to solve these unsolved questions.

Ok, where do you want to get with that?

It's simple, my goal isn't to say your god, goddess or any other being doesn't exist. My goal isn't to condemn anyone, but to say one thing, in my entire life, I have never been so complete. I wanted to be fully happy and complete, and no matter what I did this complete happiness and feeling of peace never came, but it did in just some seconds when I decided to follow Jesus. So, of course, I want other people to feel it too! So, just know that Jesus loves you, and if you're feeling tired, empty, half-happy, uncomplete, try at least once to go to him. Cause he wants you as you are, and believe me, he is not going to destroy your dreams or transform you into a judging person, as I feared I would become. I no longer feel I'm swimming to get to a place I never get, I no longer feel I aim for a sense of peace and happiness that never arrive.

"For God send his Son into the world not to condemn it, but to save the world through him."

You know, I don't know why a person wouldn't want to feel like this, found and in peace :)