Walking around

Walking around



Hello everybody,

Let's talk about walking and running.

Today's post is going to be about sports. It's a new subject that I'm going to write about for the first time here on Journaly.


For the past few years (since 2018, as far as I remember) I've been building this habit of walking at least 6km every day. Unfortunately, I live in the city. For that reason, I don't live close enough to green areas. Accordingly, I have to walk in a stadium. It's okay, but I don't enjoy the city view that much.


During my walks, I have time to disconnect myself a little bit from the world. It's time to think about myself and only myself. I'm not into gyms and weight workouts, but I enjoy aerobic ones, such as running, walking, and jump-rope.

From the beginning, It was hard to get into the running thing. I couldn't take it too long. I think the main reason was that I couldn't control my breathing correctly. So I was getting tired very quickly. Also, I didn't have proper running shoes. So I stopped until January 2020, when I finally got proper ones.

Usually, it takes around 1 hour to complete my 6km walking.

Exercises can contribute to lower your levels of stress, and also it helps you to clear your mind from problems provided by stressful workdays. Besides, it keeps you healthy and motivated and increases the quality of your sleep.

Change of plans

During this pandemic, I'm not able to go to this stadium because it is very crowded, and it is impossible to keep a social distance there. I spend the whole pandemic, since March 2020, with no running or walk. It was a difficult period in my life because I enjoy this exercise, and I couldn't do it anymore.

Nowadays, I switched my stadium walks to street ones. It's not the same, because of the rough ground and people in my way, but it's better than nothing.

Dreaming about the future

I'm looking forward to the vaccine so I can be walking and running on the beach here in Rio de Janeiro.

In the south zone of the city, are many green areas and beaches I can go to. At the stadium, I prefer doing my exercises at night, but at the beach, I rather do it in the early period of the day (7h - 8h).

Until that moment, I'll keep walking on the streets and dreaming about better days. They'll come. They always will.

And you? Do you like aerobic exercises such as running and walking? I would like to know.

I'll see you in my next post.