People Prefer Optimists

People Prefer Optimists


daily life

I have been asked to make a presentation with the title „People Prefer Optimists”.

Do you have a friend who always cheerful is? I make the assumption you enjoy being in his/her company. Energetic, delighted people can make us even on our worst day more pleased, happier. Our life is full of challenges, adversities and sadness. We face several difficulties on a daily basis. As a result, people are likely to look for optimistic human beings who can help to overcome difficulties and tough times.

Being surrounded by optimistic people also means that you are likely to be focused on resolving the target issue, whereas pessimists point out how life unfair is, optimists always want to find quick solutions, which are great lessons to learn something new. The optimistic style of thinking is extremely learnable even in the deepest situations where no light at the end of the tunnel is.

Another important point to mention is that it has been proven that a pessimistic way of thinking plays a part in evolving depression, anxiety and several mental diseases. Being concentrated on the negative sides of life makes people narrow-minded, anxious and sometimes it can hit their immune system as well. It is known that our physical well being is influenced by our emotions directly. If we let negative feelings define us we end up dealing with several illnesses caused by our low immune system.

To conclude, we can agree that having cheerful, laid-back people around us makes our life easier and more pleasant. Life is itself hard enough; people don’t want to make it more difficult with negativism and pessimistic thoughts. Therefore I am convinced that people prefer optimists in every field of life.