Useful sentences. Part 1

Useful sentences. Part 1


language learning
daily life

Hi there. Today I want to write some phrases in English to then be corrected. I'll add in Spanish what I mean in each sentence.

If there are some other ways to say the same sentences down below, please let me know, thanks.



Where is there a store nearby?

¿Dónde hay una tienda cerca?

Where can I go to the bathroom?

¿Dónde puedo ir al baño?

Where have you been before?

¿Dónde has estado antes?

¿Where can I put my things?

¿Dónde puedo poner mis cosas?

Where have you traveled?

¿A donde has viajado?

Where would you like to go?

¿A donde te gustaría ir?

Where did you go?

¿A donde fuiste?

How far is the store?

Is the store far away?

¿Esta lejos la tienda?

How long is the flight?

¿Cuánto dura el vuelo?

I've already been there.

Ya he estado ahí.

I've never been there.

Nunca he estado ahí.