


daily life

I have been asked to give a presentation with the title Factory farming is cruel and unnecessary.

Well, this topic has been discussed for several years and factory farming faces lots of criticism these days. We all agree that factory farming takes away lots of job opportunities from local farmers. Logically, local people cannot keep up with low prices of factories. In many cases, they end up without sellings and go bankrupt when intensive farming is started in their area.

Have you ever eaten meat produced from bio livestock? If you did, you probably know that they have a completely different taste compared to those artificially produced meals. Not to mention the health aspects. It is widely known that animals are being injected by several hormones to grow faster, to put more weight on. On top of that livestock is kept in narrow cages where they are suffering from boredom and overcrowding. It has been proved that meals coming from factory farms contain toxins and harmful hormones which can affect human health negatively.

Another important point to mention is that those huge farm fields contribute to air pollution. Pork and beef emit a good deal of CO2 daily. Ammonia is produced by chicken manure. All of those gases are a huge treat for people coping with respiratory illnesses. If I would like to dig deeper, I touched bacterial infections which are mostly spread by animals kept in cages.

In the end, I would like to touch the conditions that workers in factory farms work under. Sadly, they are not compensated for their dangerous, inhuman work adequately what follows from that they are mostly underprivileged from immigrant backgrounds. As long as those factories are run by governments, we put our health at risk, we are witnessing animal abuse and we let become the social gap even bigger. Is this, we want?