Reset - Start again

Reset - Start again


language learning
journaly updates

I just read my last post in @Journaly (, and I felt a little disappointed when I looked at the published date, It was one year ago and the post explained a plan to improve my listening comprehension and English output based on a video of Robin MacPherson.

This feeling made me think about what are the motivations and stoppers in my process of English learning?. Also, I ask myself why I waste much time finding information to give me the secret to accelerating my English Learning? Instead, to focus on choosing a method and being persistent, despite all days I see in the Refold channel people say that the best form to acquire the language is through immersion of comprehensible content.

But, I'm going to stop of complain myself, and I want to try to see the glass half full instead of half empty. Then, let me start again, and for this, I'm going to follow the initiative of some guys on the channel of Refold trying to write thoughts, transcriptions, or a summary of my workday regularly. These writings will be published on the Discord Channel and the @Journaly web. I hope that this time, I have the willpower and this exercise help me to enjoy my English Journey.

See you later.

P.S. I would like to leave being a stickler and write w/o fear to fail. You don't imagine how much time wasted making these three paragraphs