Which language should I learn?

Which language should I learn?


language learning

Well, I have a little dilemma here, I am still learning English but I planned that in six months in the future I'll start to learn another language for a year or two. At this moment I am interested in Chinese, Russian, French and Portuguese. I want a useful language, to communicate with people and maybe one that helps me when I enter the world of work.

I want to speak Chinese because I like very much Chinese culture and I really like the way the language is made plus, this language is one of the most spoken in the world and not to many people can speak it here in Mexico but I know that it is a very hard language and may be to much for starting.

I was into Russian a year ago and I loved the Russian culture and also like the Russian people. I know it is hard too but not as hard as Chinese might be.

So, I wanted to learn something easier first. I researched about romance languages because my native tongue is Spanish and the ones that most interested me were Portuguese and French. I also read in some articles that French is not that useful anymore and I should not use my time learning it.

I want to see more opinions before starting this journey for learning a new language.

Thank you for reading!