about iPhone

about iPhone


This story happened in my town

João Pedro was saving money for five months, his goal was to buy a used iPhone 7. The eleven-year-old kid already had the necessary amount of money when he saw a post in OLX (a site of sales very popular in Brazil similar to craigslist and eBay). The kid got in touch with the iPhone-owner and schedule a meet with the presence of his mother in their home.

The meeting

When the scammer shows up and gave the iPhone to the mother, she noticed that was suspicious too light, confronted the scammer but he convinced her that was normal. The scammer convinced the kid to gave him the money because he was late for an appointment since the kid was very anxious to finish their trade and end up easily gave the money. Seconds later, João Pedro tried to charge the cellphone and noticed that he bought just a frame and skeletons of an iPhone and sadly started to cry.

The viral

After this, the mother exposed on Facebook the scammer and got a lot of reactions. One of the readers, a businesswoman, reach her with the intention of giving the kid a used iPhone. They schedule a meet in the mall. When the mother and kid get in the mall, the kid saw the scammer and started to run after him ( who put his mask on, but he was wearing the same shirt of the day that he appeared in the family home). When the businesswoman was near the mall she saw a traffic accident and ask what happened there. A man driving stopped suddenly to help the kid to apprehend the scammer, but the car behind hit him. In this chaotic scenario, the kid received an iPhone while the scammer was arrested by the police.

The original story is in Brazilian Portuguese, for anyone who is interest
