First Post

First Post


language learning
daily life

Ok, so, this is my first post on this website. I just discovered it today, and I find it really helpful. For me writing is a very great way to express our thoughts and to get comfortable with any language.

I've been learning English for a long time, with the typical system that the schools use. It was for 3 years. Now I'm trying to learn and improve my language skills by myself. I could buy a course and have a tutor to instruct me in the process of learning. But, I'm not currently in the best economical siatuation, and also I'm enjoying this method of learn a language by my own.

I've been learning a lot from other polyglots, and I think it is providing me very good results, to the point that I am also learning russian on my own.

My english level is currently around an A2 acording to some test that I took months ago, and I hope to take it higher.