All the best

All the best


language learning

I knew it was going to happen. Today was the day that I took the last class from my favorite tutor's online English course. I just wanted to keep it here, so that I won't forget how I feel now.

He is originally from Wales in the UK. I hadn't known about where he grew up before I got to know him. He has a great sense of humor. For some reason, he has a positive bias toward Japanese people.

Because of this pandemic, he had been struggling with finding a decent job, he stumbled across this carrier as an English tutor. I could tell at the very beginning, he was not into what he was doing.

How I got to know him, I just randomly made a call, the first person who pick it up was him.

Somehow, we clicked very well. I had taken as many classes as I could in 2021, pretty much every day.

He was the only person who took my preference seriously. As a Japanese speaker, making a distinction between L and R sounds is overwhelming and challenging. Therefore, until the very last minute, he gave me feedback and correct me patiently. I cannot thank him enough for his guidance.

Geographically, where he is heading is much closer to where I currently live. However, I know I am not going to be able to see him again until his contract period ends.

I wish him all the best. Best luck with his future endeavor. I do believe that he is going to be a great performer and yet to be the best actor ever despite loads of difficulties ahead of him.