Do little things consistently

Do little things consistently


daily life

I like to hear Jim Rohn content. He was a motivational speaker and coach. I like to hear him because I think he shared some valuable tips and ideas to become a better person. I also find him funny and I can practice my English.

Once, I heard and idea from him that I found very interesting, it was: keep a journal. He advised don’t rely on our memory, instead he said that when we hear something good, such as an idea, we may write it down.

He said that the success starts with a collection of ideas, and that when we find that something works, the only thing we have to do is repeat it. “Repetition is the key”, he said.

There are two of their quotes that I like very much, which are:

1) “Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines, practiced every day.”

2) “Failure is not a single, cataclysmic event. You don’t fail overnight. Instead, failure is a few errors in judgement, repeated every day.”

Nowadays, I keep a journal where I write things that I feel, can helping me to grow in any aspect, mainly the personal one, and I try to incorporate then in my daily basis life. I also write – for example – things that I identify trigger some bad habit, so, I can try to avoid them.

I agree with Jim Rohn about the fact that success (In any aspect) is doing little things every day. I think we don’t need to get frustrated trying to do big things in a short period of time, we only need to find something that like us, and try to practice it every day.
