Recent Trend in Anime

Recent Trend in Anime


tv series

Anime became open to everyone.

Did you notice anime works became distinctively easier to understand or we rarely find works difficult to understand these days.

Some classic master pieces like "Evangelion", "Ghost in the Shell", or "Serial experiments lain" are obscure, abstruse, and arcane.

On the other hand, newer box-office hits are relatively easier.

Take "Demon Slayer" as a example. Its protagonist always talk to himself about anything obvious. For instance, when he fell off a cliff and hit on the ground covered with snow, he said "I was saved by the snow."

WE ALL KNEW THAT!!! But he couldn't help but to explain why he survived.

This was supposed to ruin the work. It is because anime can literally show what is happening without using words, and it was not considered sophisticated to give explanation on something obvious just by seeing it.

It is like artists writing explanations in their own pictures.

Although they might be understood by more people, that ruins their artistic sophistication.

But today, creators can easily check viewer's reviews, that makes them realize there are too many viewers with poorer understanding than expected, so they have to take that into account.

We cannot simply say it's good or bad. It is because it is also true that made more people interested in anime.

Many kids enjoy "Demon Slayer" thanks to this.

What do you think? Do you think they should pursue the way of art at the expense of popularity, or make their work easier to understand at the expense of sophistication?


It is written in Japanese, so it might help Japanese learners.

(I'll help you, so give it a try. You can ask me anything in the comment.)

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