


Here I am. I don't know exactly what to write in here, if something personal or a more carefree text.

I think I'll choose a profound one, where I'll write about my feelings and sensations of the moment. After all this is "Journaly", a sort of personal diary open to public.

Lately I'm feeling apathetic towards all the events that happens in my life, I can't connect with my feelings neither the positive nor the negative ones. Time passes by slowly day by day, whether I do things that I like, things I'm passionate to, or I spend time on my phone scrolling useless videos, the time still passes by plodding.

These are my last days at work. I have a part-time job at my brother's enterprise, but by the end of this month I'll quit. The past months has been harsh, the situation at work wasn't easy and the atmosphere was heavy. I won't explain word for word what happened, but just to clarify my relationship with my brother is still good, yet I can't say the same with that of my colleagues. And it's not even my fault. I look forward the 28th of February, my last day of work. I can't wait.

Anyway, starting from that day I'll have more time to dedicate to university: I want to get my degree. I won't graduate this year, nor the next one. If I have chance and if I'll be able to follow my schedule, consequently I'll be able to graduate in 2024. Still a long journey, but I'm determined. Starting from March I'll follow two courses in presence at the university, while the other free days I'll go to a nearby library in order to study. For this year I've programmed to take at least five exams. It will be a challenge, but as I said before I'm strong-willed to make it.

Also, if everything goes as it should, by the middle of this year I'll have the opportunity to put through an encore performance of a play that my theater group and I have enacted last December.

And moreover, I applied to volunteer for the Eurovision song festival. I just need to wait to be called.

And yet, in front of all these future events, I still feel and consider my life monotonous. Maybe the main cause is that all of them are marked with an "if". Nothing is certain at the moment. I just have to wait.