Why I learn English and German

Why I learn English and German


I came from Latin America from the beautiful country Panama, which I miss a lot. I married a German guy. Here in Germany life is totally different from Panama starting with the language. At the beginning I thought "oh my God why german is so difficult to learn". I barely understood a word except for "hallo" "Wasser" and "tschüss". I was totally scared to run into one of my neighbors because I could not speak any word in german.

Two years have passed since I arrived in german lands, and I still struggle with this language. At least At this moment I can speak it a little.

If any of you have learned german I will be grateful for advice. Now the problem I have is that my English is germanized, for example instead of saying "today is a beautiful day" I say " heute is a beautiful day. Terrible.

I hope don't make you bored my story.