Do what you like

Do what you like



The first time I heard about entrepreneurship, financial freedom, etc; I was 21 years old. Then I began to watch some content on internet related to those topics and I thought “I can do this”. By that moment I already had emotion about the idea of financial freedom, because generally the content you find is designed to “motivate you”, so, maybe my decisions were not very accurate.

I tried network marketing, real state, trading; and in all of those I lost time, money and energy. Mostly because I didn’t like those things genuinely. I thought that I must have willpower, discipline, etc; that’s what you tipically hear from gurus and financial coaches.

After trying many things, I realized that what really matters is that you do what you like, if so, you don’t need discipline or willpower. Of course, sometimes you will have to do things you don’t like at all, but in general you will have good disposition to work or study. I also think that if you like what you do, you will be happier and you will become good doing that, which eventually will lead you to make more money.
