Hello journalers!
Could anyone please recommend some resources where I can study which post-position goes after which verb. For instance, we use 'to' after talk , 'of ' after afraid etc...
I was wondering if there is some resources where I can read them at on place.
Second thing that I want help with is correct use of articles. I know all the rules and try to use them correctly, but some time it's not easy to decide where not to use them.
suggestions regarding correct use of articles will be appreciated. Please note that I know all the rules but sometimes I can not decide why we are not using 'the' before some nouns.
One more question:
If I say I am in the classroom ( with the) and I am In class (without the)
Is it correct???
This is what I wanted ask.
Thank you.
If you like books, English Collocations in Use can be helpful. I sometimes use this dictionary.
Thank you😊
You're welcome.