I can't study, what a torture.

I can't study, what a torture.


language learning

English's become a part of who I am, and if I can't study it, I practically can't be who I am!

Wait up, I'll explain everything to you. It'd all started a little more than one week ago, a strong toothache on my wisdom tooth. It was so painful I was barely sleeping, I've never felt a toothache stronger than that. My brother helped me to pay the dentist yesterday so I could remove this damn tooth. And I got to tell you, it wasn't a good experience at all. Well, after this whole experience I'm finally getting better, I can barely open my mouth yet, I can't eat solid food or make any kind of physical force. But in terms of pain, I'm practically free!

Right, but what does the removal of your wisdom tooth has to do with no studying?

Well, I can study actually, but not in the way I love! I just love sitting down with my pen and notebook to watch English content and just study it from top to bottom. Taking notes as I repeat and practice everything I learned alone while staring at the laptop screen. Afterward, I usually talk to some foreign strangers on Free4talk, watch some English content, and like this, I improve! But well, I can't really speak right now, which is my favorite skill in language learning. Which sucks, maybe I'll be able to be one hundred percent back once some more days have passed by. But this is no excuse not to do my best with the tools I have at hand, right? If I did tell myself nothing useful could be done throughout this time I'd be making myself my own hostage, a victim. I can still do things like reading, writing and listening, so it's no excuse.

Let's do our best :)