Cave of Forgotten Dreams

Cave of Forgotten Dreams



The title is a reference to the tremendous Werner Herzog's documentary about the Chauvet Cave in Southern France. However, the picture was taken in Brazil, at the Peruaçu National Park, where are located several caves with rock paintings. Some of them were probably crafted around 13,000 years ago. This place is where I spent my summer holidays, and I would like to share a little of my experience with you.

First, the natural beauty of the caves is a spectacle itself. The scenario is astonishing. Nevertheless, the experience of seeing the rock paintings was deeper to me. While I was there, I imagined the ancient people at the same place, with similar thoughts and feelings on one hand, and totally different ones on the other. Observing those paints was like to access their minds, almost like a conversation. I have the same feeling when I'm reading a very old book. However, those painting are so much older than writing systems, so my personal time trip was deeper. I felt connected with those people at the dawn of the human spirit.

The Herzog's film was able to give rise to this feeling in me, but being in a place like that was a totally different experience. That's why I love History, it makes your mind blow and your spirit expand.