20 minutes conversation with a man from England (2)

20 minutes conversation with a man from England (2)


language learning

It's a second conversation with Jay. He looks like more easygoing than last weeks we met.

I was preparing the conversation, for example, before we started, I listened and shadowing one of an episode of Culip podcast for 20 minutes and reading a textbook for 40 minutes. I tried to activate my English brain maximally. LOL

He noticed I'm nervous and helped me to relax by saying like this. "Whatever you want to talk, just talk." He had not said to me 100% like this, but anyway his attitude was like that.

We talked about buying a house, expensive price of a house in Southern England and Seoul, his position at the restaurant as a chef, and pressure of work.

In fact, I intended what about his 'pleasure' in his job, but he understood pleasure as pressure. I minded it at all, and listened to what he talked.

I concerned what if there is nothing much to talk, but it's turned out that it is an unnecessary worry. Time passed quickly. We wrap things up and said goodbye each other.