So, here's my problem.

So, here's my problem.


daily life

So lately I've been looking at the mirror and it turns out that I don't like what I see. I don't feel happy about my body. I don't have self-esteem problems. I'm not depressed or anything. It's just that I feel rather overweight. I'm not super obese, but I do feel that I'm beyond my ideal weight.

To top it off, I have acne all over my face, probably because of my bad diet, not my age (I'm 33). I've been consuming too much junk food. I gobble fast food almost every day. My acne usually disappears when I eat healthy food. Besides, I never drink water. I never feel that I need water, so I never drink it. LOL

So I must do something about all this situation. I'm planning on starting a new exercise program. I love jumping the rope and that's what I'm planning to do. The rope is surprisingly useful when it comes to losing weight. Obviously, I also need to put on a diet and eat healthier food.

All in all, I should change my lifestyle and I must start healthy habits. Wish me luck.